Featured Guestbook Entries

Kizmat Lester Kizmat Lester from Marietta wrote on December 16, 2022 at 4:50 pm
Are you ready for something different? Are you tired of going to church week after week and never seeing any true change in your life? Are you tired of playing church? Are you tired of wearing masks? Are you ready to be healed? Are you looking for pastors who teach the word of God? If you answered YES to any of these questions, then Restoring the Years Global Ministries is the place for you. If you decide to come to visit, walk in the door with the expectancy of healing, and restoration, and to feel the presence of God. If you come and don't feel anything, don't blame the church. Ask yourself why is it that you entered into the presence of God and did not feel him. This is a praying church and one thing is clear, the presence of God is here! The ministry was birthed from prayer, and everything in this church starts with prayer. And if you're looking for a praying church because you're tired of performance-based churches, then this is the place for you!

Michelle Bishop Michelle Bishop from Kennesaw wrote on December 15, 2022 at 10:18 pm
Any time you enter the building RTYGM, you are going to be blessed. Whether it is Friday or Sunday worship service, or prayer on Tuesday or Thursday, it makes a difference when the Spirit of The LORD comes in. Recently, our pastors and the ministers have been teaching on the Fruit of the Spirit, found in Galatians Chapter 5. The revelation that has come from the Father has been so vital to my spiritual life. If you're serious about becoming who God created you to be, and you want the truth of God's Word, and to experience the moving of The Holy Spirit, this is the place you want to be! My family and I joined RTYGM 12 years ago, and I can see my growth since then. God is faithful and I am grateful! #lovemychurch

128 entries.
Kizmat Lester Kizmat Lester from Marietta wrote on December 16, 2022 at 4:50 pm
Are you ready for something different? Are you tired of going to church week after week and never seeing any true change in your life? Are you tired of playing church? Are you tired of wearing masks? Are you ready to be healed? Are you looking for pastors who teach the word of God? If you answered YES to any of these questions, then Restoring the Years Global Ministries is the place for you. If you decide to come to visit, walk in the door with the expectancy of healing, and restoration, and to feel the presence of God. If you come and don't feel anything, don't blame the church. Ask yourself why is it that you entered into the presence of God and did not feel him. This is a praying church and one thing is clear, the presence of God is here! The ministry was birthed from prayer, and everything in this church starts with prayer. And if you're looking for a praying church because you're tired of performance-based churches, then this is the place for you!
Michelle Bishop Michelle Bishop from Kennesaw wrote on December 15, 2022 at 10:18 pm
Any time you enter the building RTYGM, you are going to be blessed. Whether it is Friday or Sunday worship service, or prayer on Tuesday or Thursday, it makes a difference when the Spirit of The LORD comes in. Recently, our pastors and the ministers have been teaching on the Fruit of the Spirit, found in Galatians Chapter 5. The revelation that has come from the Father has been so vital to my spiritual life. If you're serious about becoming who God created you to be, and you want the truth of God's Word, and to experience the moving of The Holy Spirit, this is the place you want to be! My family and I joined RTYGM 12 years ago, and I can see my growth since then. God is faithful and I am grateful! #lovemychurch
Shalanda Shalanda from Douglasville wrote on September 3, 2022 at 8:23 am
I thank God for this ministry. I visited for the first time through invitation of a friend and was encouraged from the very start of service. I was thankful for the powerful prayer and exaltation at the beginning, which in itself was encouraging to me. The worship prepared my heart to receive the sermon Pastor Travitt preached, entitled “Stay Woke”, which I still listen to. What also touched me was the prophetic word Pastor Travitt gave to others and to me, and I am grateful for the Word of the Lord that comes forth from this ministry.
Nicole Norris Nicole Norris from Acworth wrote on June 27, 2022 at 3:25 pm
Yesterday's word that Apostle Rhonda spoke about "The Altars We've Erected" was amazing. We have to truly be truthful in how we are feeling and recognize that anger, bitterness, strife, etc. that we hold in our heart and mind, are building demonic altars. Blessings are delayed because we get stuck, and we continue on a cycle that needs to be broken. This message blessed me and showed me that I need to submit to God's authority and trust in His will for my life! I bless God for the word that is preached in Restoring the Years Global Ministries because it causes conviction that brings about change for a better life!
Michelle Bishop Michelle Bishop from Kennesaw wrote on June 12, 2022 at 5:50 pm
What a word of correction and exhortation from our Apostle Rhonda this morning! It was all about “Our Sacrificial Offering.” I am grateful for God’s Word, and for Apostle delivering it just the way The Father gave it to her. This morning before service I was thinking about discipline and I heard someone online say that discipline is “forced obedience.” And I pondered how much better I need to do in crucifying my own flesh. Then the word came forth from the Woman of God about how God doesn’t want our leftovers. Sacrifices with blemishes will not be accepted. It convicted me and encouraged me all at the same time. It’s MY responsibility to discipline my own flesh. To crucify everything in me that keeps me from moving forward in God. Sleep, my appetite, my feelings, even my hopes and dreams must take a backseat while God is made (and kept) at the forefront of my life. Apostle, you are a blessing. The word may be tough to swallow at times, but I know you and Pastor watch for my soul as those who will give an account-and you take your job very seriously. I love you both. Hallelujah! And I honor God for giving me spiritual parents like you!
Michelle Bishop Michelle Bishop from Kennesaw wrote on April 16, 2022 at 1:54 pm
I never want to forget just how blessed I am to be part of this ministry. I pray I never take it for granted! Last night, Apostle Rhonda and Pastor Nick spoke about magnifying the Word of God in our lives. They really taught a lot about repentance and about forgiving others. One question that was asked was “Do you want to be RIGHT, or be in RIGHT STANDING (with God)?” This is a question I must continue to ask myself, especially when there is so much turmoil in my extended family right now. As we were encouraged to do by our leaders, I will not hold people in bondage in my heart and mind. I have nothing to prove to people. I will allow God to fight for me while I hold my peace. My conscience toward God is what matters the most. Thank you, Apostle Rhonda and Pastor Nick. Thank you for allowing the Lord to use you consistently. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. It’s helping me to live. It is helping my family to grow. Likewise, it’s making my marriage stronger than ever before. Please know that your labor is not in vain. Love my leaders and my church family!
Michelle Bishop Michelle Bishop from Kennesaw wrote on March 14, 2022 at 7:33 am
I am so grateful for this ministry. This church is not a church full of a bunch of "fluff". It's exactly the place you need to be if you truly want to be free from the chains of bondage you have carried for years. There is love here, and acceptance, and transparency-which all flows from the leaders, Apostle Rhonda and Pastor Nick. My family and I have been part of this ministry for almost 12 years, and I have seen my marriage completely restored, and my children, who were very young when we joined, have grown up with a love and honor for God and for His people. There is never a time I hear a sermon at RTY that I don't feel convicted about the areas of my life I need to do better in, and also feel assured about the love of God for me. God is so faithful and so loving. Come in. Join in worship. Leave challenged and encouraged!
Renee Chappell Renee Chappell from Atlanta wrote on March 7, 2022 at 4:07 pm
I thank God for the Ministers and Elders in this church! God has raised them up to bring forth the word and I'm very proud of them. We definitely have to keep them lifted up in prayer. Apostle Rhonda & Pastor Nick, teaches from the Bible and always encourages us to study God's word. I'm grateful to be a part of this ministry. Thank you kindly.
Lorraine Peterson Lorraine Peterson from Smyrna wrote on January 9, 2022 at 12:49 pm
The message today was awesome and tailored made for me. I truly needed to hear that, and I received that in Jesus Name. I pray that I, and we as the body of Christ, will continue to run with the vision. Thank you so much for the encouraging words today. It let me know that all hope is not lost. Love You Much. God Bless Be Safe
Yonette Harry Yonette Harry from Powder Springs wrote on December 29, 2021 at 10:37 am
My family and I moved to Georgia and were seeking a place to worship for four years; we finally found a place that we can call home, a place where we can be and feel connected to worshiping God the way we are used to. The word preached by the Apostle and Pastor Travitt touched and encouraged us that God is still healing and delivering His people. I am Tremendously looking forward to serving at this house of God. I encourage anyone who is looking for a church home to look no more. Come and hear what God is saying to you. Your life can be changed forever.
Angela J Carr Angela J Carr from Douglas Georgia wrote on November 22, 2021 at 9:07 am
I am so Grateful for the opportunity to visit Restoring The Years. God used Pastor Nick to deliver a life changing Word for me and my family. The message was so Powerful that my 12 year old granddaughter came back home telling people about what she heard. Pastor Nick spoke directly into our lives and was accurate. I appreciate the Gaskin family for inviting us. My soul is still rejoicing!!!!
Crystal Gaskin Crystal Gaskin from Marietta wrote on November 21, 2021 at 11:31 pm
I am always grateful to be a part of a ministry that is so life changing. No service is ever the same, but the outcome is always impactful. I know it is because of the ministry and the demonstration shown of God's power that I am able to continue on through so many trials of life. I thank God for Pastor Nick's message on today, "Pay What You Weigh!" I am encouraged.
Joe Williams Joe Williams from Atlanta wrote on October 25, 2021 at 11:34 am
This ministry never ceases to amaze me at how consistent it is. I have literally witnessed peoples lives change right before my eyes. As an usher, I see a bit of everything. I remember people's first visit, all the way to reaching their purpose and destiny. I've seen healing, deliverance, marriages restored, families back together, etc. It's all God's Glory. The leadership of this ministry is unmatched. I am favored by God to even be in a House like this.
Marika Marika from Acworth wrote on October 25, 2021 at 10:35 am
The message " Are You Due For a Service" was an on time message, and I'm still going over my notes. I'm truly Thankful for a unique Word delivered so authentically. God loves us so to make his request so plain - no one can say they didn't understand and we're now held accountable. Just because the engine light went out doesn't mean the problem no longer exist…
Candace Daly Candace Daly from Mableton wrote on October 24, 2021 at 2:06 pm
Wow! Pastor Nick's message was so clear and practical as he compared our Christian life to a vehicle that needs servicing from an auto repair shop. My brakes were just fixed, so it really hit home! I appreciate the Holy Spirit for teaching in a way that is powerful, yet impossible to misunderstand. I'll be asking myself daily whether I'm due for a service from the Lord.
Renee Chappell Renee Chappell from Atlanta wrote on October 16, 2021 at 9:04 am
If you're looking for a place of true worship, this is definitely the church. I'm very grateful that we're not on a program. You never know how the Lord is going to move, so please come with expectancy and see what God has in store for you!
Michelle Bishop Michelle Bishop from Kennesaw wrote on October 11, 2021 at 7:43 am
It means a lot to be part of a ministry where The Holy Spirit moves. This past Friday night, Apostle Rhonda and Minister Tameika were ministering about times and seasons, and growing and developing in the midst of harsh conditions. Considering what I have been going through with my parents, this message was exactly what my spirit needed. I went from just dealing with the painful situation to appreciating what The Father is doing in the midst of it all. My leaders are plugged into, and obedient to The Holy Spirit, and it helps me live instead of just existing. I bless God for this.
Renee Johnson Renee Johnson from Marietta wrote on September 19, 2021 at 9:22 pm
RTYGM is amazing, and Pastor Nick and Apostle Rhonda are two of the realist, down-to-earth, keep it 100 folks you ever want to know! One thing I appreciate is that they will love you hard but don’t comprise and tell you only what makes you feel good. They teach both the bitter and the sweet parts of the word. The Bible says no discipline feels good at the time, but it reaps a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it (Heb 12:11). Today’s, message about betrayal ,especially self-betrayal, definitely stepped on my toes. I’m grateful though that the Holy Spirit loves me enough to give me leaders that love me enough to help me see the parts of me that still need to be pressed out. If you’re looking for a place to be loved, encouraged, and challenged to be the BEST GOD-VERSION of yourself… then look no further! RTYGM is a great place to get rooted in Christ. ❤️
Reba Gaines Reba Gaines from Douglasville wrote on September 14, 2021 at 1:47 pm
What a rare find. A place to be transparent; a place to heal; and a place to grow. The messages are always relevant and refreshing; thought-provoking and engaging. In times like these, people need the Word to be real and not sugar coated. No clichés; no half-truths; just the Word. I am so glad to experience God through this ministry.
Nicole Norris Nicole Norris from Acworth wrote on August 22, 2021 at 3:21 pm
Awesome message today in our New Building! Pastor Nick you preached a powerful word Its Better this Way!! When you know who you are you will not compromise and accept any ole thang! You may think you know me but you really don't know...Jesus thank you! So grateful to be in the house! BLESS God for RTYGM!